Dragobete's Day!

Tanarul Cambe nu stia cine este Dragobetele. I-a ginit gandurile insa acestui Dragobete si si-a dat seama ca e un individ pus pe jefuit barbati cinstiti.
Sa vedem insa ce inseamna Dragobete's Day :
Celebrated on February 24, Dragobete is the Romanian Valentine. According to ancient sources, Dragobete was a legendary god of love in the early times of the people dwelling between the Danube and the Carpathians, a region in Eastern Europe, also known today as the Carpathian's Garden or Land of Choice. This god of love would always, on February 24, inspire birds and other beings in finding their love. Later people also believed that he who meet someone this day, would meet that person every day to the last day of his life. Later, in the Middle Ages, young boys and girls went out on February 24, running over the hills and looking for flowers( pe rom : fugeau de nebuni pe coclauri). Foreigners believed they had lost their mind. It was but a tradition. Sources speak about thier making love like blind people( pe rom : se f...ca chiorii). Nowadays, Dragobete's Day has become the perfect chance for the men living in the Land of Choice to get dead drunk and f**ed. Thus Dragobete's Day is the perfect time of the year for making China the most powerful country in the whole world.

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