Cum sa ne vindem tara!!!
Romania este o tara situata in sud-estul Europei, cu o populatie de aproximativ 20 de milioane de locuitori, dintre care foarte multi stau in mediul rural, nu au decat 4 clase, beau de sting, se omoara intre ei si fac copii dintre care majoritatea nu fac decat 4 sau 8 clase, beau de sting, se omoara intre ei si fac la randul lor alti copii. Ceilalti stau la oras, majoritatea nu au decat liceul, beau de sting, se omoara intre ei dar mai putin si fac la randul lor copii, dintre care majoritatea nu fac decat liceul si o facultate ca sa fie, beau de sting pana nu mai apuca sa se omoare intre ei, de unde rezulta ca suntem o natie civilizata si ca politia isi face treaba.
Varianta de vanzare – Romania is a beautiful country, in the southeast of Europe. It has about 20 million people, very nice and hospitable. Romania can offer you one of the best adventures in your life, for it is called the land of Dracula and is near The Black Sea. Actually, you cand spend a night near Dracula’s castle for a few dollars and see the incredible Black Sea for a few dollars more. In Romania you can find anything you want and it is for sure cheap as dog. In Maramures for example, there are the most famous guesthouses, known in the whole world as the most hospitable places on Earth. At the Black Sea, you cannot stay away from the dark waves which in the end are quite friendly. And Dracula’s Palace…you must come and see. Romania is indeed the land of choice.
Update 20 ianuarie 2011 : Intre timp situatia s-a schimbat. Citeste si despre ce inseamna Explore the Carpathian Garden!
Varianta de vanzare – Romania is a beautiful country, in the southeast of Europe. It has about 20 million people, very nice and hospitable. Romania can offer you one of the best adventures in your life, for it is called the land of Dracula and is near The Black Sea. Actually, you cand spend a night near Dracula’s castle for a few dollars and see the incredible Black Sea for a few dollars more. In Romania you can find anything you want and it is for sure cheap as dog. In Maramures for example, there are the most famous guesthouses, known in the whole world as the most hospitable places on Earth. At the Black Sea, you cannot stay away from the dark waves which in the end are quite friendly. And Dracula’s Palace…you must come and see. Romania is indeed the land of choice.
Update 20 ianuarie 2011 : Intre timp situatia s-a schimbat. Citeste si despre ce inseamna Explore the Carpathian Garden!
Charmant & super sharp :-)! Bravo Neder! :-)
RăspundețiȘtergereCompletez cu minidictionar al turistului.
RăspundețiȘtergereOn the bus:
- Basculeaza biletu`, nu fa pe nebunu`! = Show me your ticket, SIR, please!
- Hotii! = (no such word in English)
At the store:
- Dati-mi 10 sticle de Hoegaarden! = 10 bottles of Hoegaarden, please!
- N-avem! = I'M SORRY, but at this moment, we don`t have it in stock. We apologize.
- Eram sigur, da-te-n gatu' ma-tii! = No problem at all. Have a nice day.
foarte tare, plus : In autobuz, oriunde : Misca, bah, mai repede! = Would you please...
RăspundețiȘtergereIn trafic = Iti hear that in English). Suntem depare, nene, dar i-am si aparat de turci sute de ani...:)
Imi aminteste de traducerea numelor de localitati:
RăspundețiȘtergereAfumati - Neversober
Slobozia - A Very Wrong Local Tradition (ups?!)
Ciorogarla - Nigger-River
Baicoi - Youball (sau Tiens, testicule!) altele :)